Pentadactyl - Experience the Web in a Vim mode

2012-05-12 · 2 min read

Pentadactyl is a plugin that provides Vim mode for Firefox. If you happen to be a Vim user, after having installed it, you will feel like at home, wondering how you could have lived without it. It extremely improves the way you interact with a web browser: it is faster and powerful approach to surfing.

In this article I will only provide you with very basics so you could easily get started your adventure with Pentadactyl. Feel free to dig in if you need more information; Pendatactyl features are quite amazing.

Interacting with Websites

t open arg in a new tab

o open arg in the current tab

s search the web and open in the current tab

S search the web and open in a new tab

R reload the page

zi/zm/zo/zr - zoom in/more/out/reduce

g<C-g> show page details

gf view page source

Moving Around

j/k scroll one line down/up

gg/G - scroll to top/bottom

<C-d>/<C-u> scroll down/up by a half of page

<C-f>/<C-b> scroll down/up by an entire page

<C-o>/<C-i> jump to older/newer

p/P open clipboard content in current/new tab

H/L go back/fowrard in browser history

URL Manipulation

<C-x> decrements by 1 last number in URL if such exist

<C-a> increments by 1 last number in URL if such exist

gu go one level up with the URL

(start) (end)

gU go to the page root URL

(start) (end)

y current URL to clipboard


B list tabs

b go to specific buffer

d close tab

u restore tab

<C-^> prevously selected tab

By the way, in addition to all that great ftuff mentioned above, Pentadactyl would be a perfect fit for any Brogrammer.