React.js: Building Todo App using Hooks

2018-10-28 · 5 min read

React 16.7.0-alpha introduced Hooks, a new feature to reuse stateful logic between components. Hooks are self-contained blocks of functionality that can be easily extracted and shared, also as external dependencies. In addition, this approach doesn't require to change the component hierarchy.

I encourage you to read the official documentation as well as to watch the video introduction from React Conf 2018 before reading further.

In this article, we will build a simple Todo list using React Hooks. The code is available as this codesanbox.

Single Task

Let's start with the component representing a single task:

::: label ./src/components/Task.js :::

import React, { memo } from "react";
export default memo(({ text, complete, onClick }) => (
      textDecoration: complete ? "line-through" : "",
      color: complete ? "#CCC" : ""
    <div class="mr-auto">{text}</div>
      <a onClick={onClick}>
          class="fa fa-check"
            color: complete ? "#75b51b" : ""

It displays a task text along with a check icon. Once the icon is clicked, the handler passed as a onClick prop is executed. There are also some styling changes in relation to complete boolean for each task: completed tasks are crossed-through and written using a lighter color.

List of Tasks

Next, there is a list of tasks with an input field at the top add new tasks to the list.

::: label ./src/components/TaskList.js :::

export default () => {
  const [tasks, setTasks] = useState([]);
  const toggleComplete = i => {
    const findTask = (task, k) =>
      k === i ? { ...task, complete: !task.complete } : task;
  return (
    <div className="App">
        onSubmit={text => setTasks([{ text, complete: false }, ...tasks])}
      <ul class="task__list">
        {, idx) => (
          <Task {...task} onClick={() => toggleComplete(idx)} />

Initially, our task list is empty as defined via useState hook with an empty list as its parameter. This part represents the state of TaskList component.

The component iterates over the list of tasks and renders each of them as Task. We also define a helper function toggleComplete which uses the task position within the list as the parameter to refer to each of them.

Adding New Task

Lastly, there is TaskInput component defining an onSubmit handler that prepends a new task (with complete set as false) to the list each time there is a new entry.

::: label ./src/components/TaskInput.js :::

import React, { useState } from "react";
const useInputValue = initialValue => {
  const [value, setValue] = useState(initialValue);
  return {
    onChange: e => setValue(,
    resetValue: () => setValue("")
export default ({ onSubmit }) => {
  const { resetValue, ...text } = useInputValue("");
  return (
      onSubmit={e => {
      <div class="form-group">
          class="form-control form-control-lg"
          placeholder="Read about React Hooks"
        <small class="form-text text-muted">
          Type something in the input field above and press Enter.

The TaskInput component defines its own hook called useInputValue to declare the state and additional handlers for input fields.

There is a single input field in this application, so useInputValue is not necessary. We could've used useState directly. The example shows how easily hooks can be combined to build bigger blocks of abstraction that can be reused across our application.

You can play with the application using this codesandbox.