
Webpack recursively processes module imports in the code to build a dependency graph. Its result is a single bundle file. WebPack figures the order of imports on its own. The code must be written as JavaScript Modules, i.e. a single JavaScript file that exports pieces of functionality for use in other parts of the application.

Webpack supports two standards for Module configuration: ECMAScript and CommonJS.

Webpack 4

In Webpack 4 there is no need to define neither the entry point, nor the output file. By default, it goes from src/index.js to dist/main.js.

npm i webpack webpack-cli --save-dev
"scripts": {
  "build": "webpack"

Webpack 4 adds production and development modes.

"scripts": {
  "dev": "webpack --mode development",
  "build": "webpack --mode production"

production mode enables various optimizations such as minification, scope hoisting, tree-shaking out of the box.

Webpack doesn’t know how to make the transformation but has loaders: think of them as of transformers. babel-loader is the webpack loader for transpiling ES6 and above, down to ES5.

npm i babel-core babel-loader babel-preset-env --save-dev