Centralize logging with the systemd journal

2015-08-17 · 3 min read

the systemd journal is a useful tool for collecting and managing system and application logs which are usually dispersed throughout the system and handled by different daemons and processes. It’s a centralized management solution to standardize logging of all kernel, initrd and userland processes and collecting these logs as the journal regardless of where the messages are originating. This journal is implemented with the journald daemon and stores the data in a binary format (which can easily be as outputted as JSON or other format). You interact with the data using a single command called journalctl.

systemd journal can be used to complement an existing syslog implementation (as it collects data from more sources than traditional syslog implementations are capable of) or to replace the syslog functionality entirely.

Filter logs by time

Display all of the logs collected since the most recent reboot

journalctl -b

See the logs from the previous boot where -1 is a relative pointer

journalctl -b -1

List boots that journald knows

journalctl --list-boots

Display all of the logs collected logs since Aug 16th, 2015 at 1:03 AM

journalctl --since "2015-08-16 01:03:00"

If the time segment is missing, 00:00:00 (midnight) will be substituted. You don’t need to specify seconds.

journalctl --since "2015-05-03" --until "2015-06-12 13:16"

Display the logs from yesterday

journalctl --since yesterday

Display the logs in a specific time range with relative date

journalctl --since 11:00 --until “2 hours ago"

Filter logs by service

Display all of the logs from Nginx

journalctl -u nginx.service

Display all of the logs from Nginx collected today

journalctl -u nginx.service --since today

Display the logs by pid or gid

journalctl _PID=8088

Display only these kernel messages

journalctl -k

Display only these kernel messages from 2 boots ago

journalctl -k -b -2

Display only logs of a specified priority (or above)

journalctl -p err -b

The journal adheres the standard syslog message levels (highest to lowest priority)

0: emerg
1: alert
2: crit
3: err
4: warning
5: notice
6: info
7: debug

Adjust logs output

Output all of the logs from Nginx in JSON by typing:

journalctl -b -u nginx -o json


journalctl -b -u nginx -o json-pretty

Some of the available formats:

  • cat: only the message field itself.
  • export: a binary format
  • json or json-pretty
  • short: the default syslog style output
  • short-iso: the default format wth ISO 8601 timestamps

Monitor logs

Display last 20 log entries

journalctl -n 20

Follow the logs as they are being written (similar to tail -f):

journalctl -f

Find out the amount of space used by the journal

journalctl --disk-usage

Shrink the journal to the requested size: :

journalctl --vacuum-size=3G

Shrink the journal to keep entries up to one year in the past

journalctl --vacuum-time=1years

Check current time configuration

timedatectl status
      Local time: Mon 2015-04-27 13:49:46 CEST
  Universal time: Mon 2015-04-27 11:49:46 UTC
        RTC time: Mon 2015-04-27 11:49:46
       Time zone: Europe/Paris (CEST, +0200)
 Network time on: yes
NTP synchronized: yes
 RTC in local TZ: no